A walk in the Park

Man, it is a great day for a walk in the Park, Dave was thinking, and Brenda next to me! We’ve been together what, 5 years now? His head turns back to the sidewalk, time sure flies. At that moment Dave catches site of an elderly lady sitting on a bench holding a pair of knitting needles in hers hands and a partially made red sweater. His eyes blink with disbelief. That lady looks just like my mother, as his eyes start to well up and tears roll down his face. His thoughts wander to imagines of his mother, I really miss her.

There are so many things I have to accomplish this coming week, Brenda thought. I must finish the report for Friday’s meeting and Greta needs go in for her rabies shot. I wonder if Dave can take her in on Wednesday. Brenda turns to ask Dave and takes notices of the tears rolling off his nose. He sure has been emotional lately.

Look at them two holding each other’s hands. It reminds me of when George returned from the war. We would walk this very sidewalk. We would be so close not even a piece of paper could come between us. I loved caressing his arm as we walked. Oh my, he is crying. I wonder if she told him some bad news.

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